BBC TWO televisieprogramma 'All Over The Shop'

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Kent iemand het televisieprogramma 'All Over The Shop' of Geoff Burch? Ik ga vanavond om half negen maar eens kijken.


Van de BBC2 website:

Business guru Geoff Burch is on a mission to improve Britain's small shops by teaching them how to turn a profit and please their customers. After scouring the country in search of retailers needing his help, he serves up straight talking advice in a bid to show them how to thrive and not just survive. But will they listen?


Geoff is in Taunton getting to grips with the small shop owner's lack of professionalism. He tackles a florist who's hiding her best assets, a coffee shop owner who blows hot and cold, and a gift and joke shop owner whose sense of humour is affecting his profits.





"The secret is to take an existing product, service or concept and then take it up a level by applying your own vision and creativity."

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