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improt from Korea

Hi all,

I am sorry I am writing in English, I hope it is ok. Probably the questions were asked before but it is difficult for a non-dutch speaker to understand.


In short, I want to start my webshop to sell products from Korea.

Can you please help me understand the following:

- what kind of company I should register?

- how does import work? can i just order online products from Korea on my company name and pay taxes at the post or better to do it through a company? I am talking about 1-2k euro purchase, not more.

- which company you d recommend for accounting in the beginning?


Thanks so much for your help!



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thanks for your message.

I totally understand.

I think I need to register BV. I also realise I need to pay 201% douane tax and no other tax as cosmetics are exempt from the additional fees.


But I honestly dont understand how the process works, as not much information is available in English for my particular case.

As this is quiet a sensitive topic and I dont want to make a mistake, I preferred to ask directly on the forum which I managed to find by googling in Dutch.




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