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AI & ML based applications applied in various industries

Hello all,


This is my first topic on this forum and hope that I am not breaking posting rules.

I am owner of small IT company and we are delivering mostly AI and machine learning based software.
We put focus on following industries eHealth, Agriculture and Logistics.

I wanted to ask about your opinion about this market in The Netherlands, how often companies are looking for such solutions and are they motivated to change towards that direction.

Also looking for advice what is the best approach to offer such solutions to prospects - directly or through local representative or business developer.

We are based in Brussels. 

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I think you are focussing on the markets that are very interested in this technoligy. Logistics and Agriculture are already using a lot.
for advise on marketapproch I would contact several sector specific organisations.

Interesting websites to visit might be

Dutch governmental organisation for businesses (RvO / Rijksdienst Voor Ondernemend Nederland)



Wageningen University for Agriculture



Technical Universities

Delft (Rotterdam) https://www.tudelft.nl/en/ai/focus-areas/

Eindhoven  www.tue.nl


Sectorspecfic organisations

Logistics: https://www.tln.nl/

Agriculture: https://www.lto.nl/

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