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Belastingaangifte 2019 - privé of zakelijk bankrekening




Help me alstublieft te begrijpen. Ik ging veel plaatsen online, maar ik kon geen antwoord vinden. Ik wil weten hoe ik aangifte moet doen voor mijn jaarlijkse aangifte inkomstenbelasting.


Ik ben een eenmanszaak. Ik heb KVK en BTW geregistreerd. Ik heb maar één bankrekening. Ik gebruik de bankrekening zowel zakelijk als privé.


Bijvoorbeeld, op 1 januari is mijn bankrekeningsaldo 9000. Mijn bedrijfsactiva is 6000 (inclusief bankrente van 6 euro) en mijn particuliere spaarbedrag is 3000 (inclusief bankrente van 3 euro).


In welk geval is het correct om het formulier in te vullen? Optie 1 of Optie 2?


[Optie 1]

Eigen vermogen 6000 euro

Inkomsten uit banktegoeden 6 euro

Saldo op 1 januari 2019 3.000 euro


[Optie 2]

Eigen vermogen 0 euro

Inkomsten uit banktegoeden 0 euro

Saldo op 1 januari 2019 9.000 euro


screenshot link van elke vorm: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1yKITYbouak3diUAJ0TGwww5FFnpFcxLw?usp=sharing


Ik wil binnenkort een aparte bankrekening, maar voor nu moet ik weten wat mijn vroegere situatie is. Hartelijk dank.


Vriendelijke groeten,









Please help me to understand. I went many places online but I could not find any answer. I want to know how to declare for my annual income tax filing.


I am a freelancer. I have KVK and BTW registered. I only have one bank account. I use the bank account for both business and private.


For example, on 1 st of January,  my bank account balance is 9000. My business asset is 6000  (including bank interest of 6 euros) and my private saving amount is 3000 (including bank interest of 3 euros).  


In this case, in which is correct to fill in the form? Option 1 or Option 2?


[Option 1]

Eigen vermogen 6000 euro

Opbrengsten banktegoeden 6 euro

Saldo op 1 januari 2019  3000 euro


[Option 2]

Eigen vermogen  0 euro

Opbrengsten banktegoeden 0 euro

Saldo op 1 januari 2019  9000 euro


Screenshot link of each form: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1yKITYbouak3diUAJ0TGwww5FFnpFcxLw?usp=sharing


I will separate bank account soon but for now, I need to know about my past situation. Thank you very much.





Eigen vermogen.jpg

Saldo op 1 januari 2019 - 9000.jpg

Saldo op 1 januari 2019 - 3000.jpg

Opbrengsten banktegoeden.jpg

aangepast door ZZP Mari Netherlands
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9 uur geleden, Mary ZZP Netherlands zei:

I only added business balance of 2000.  My total bank balance was 5000. I understand I had to add 3000 under "Privéstortingen" and define as business bank account but I did not do it. Or, I had to add 2000 under "privéonttrekkingen" and define as private bank account but I did not do it. Now I understand it is too late to fix my past report.


You're still jumping to conclusions. :face-with-hand-over-mouth: Anyway, just to be clear. You simply have the liberty to add any bank account to your business balance, if you use it for business purposes for more than 10%. So adding the one bank account that you used for both private and business was perfectly fine. However, once you made that choice in the first year, you will have to keep reporting that same bank account the same way in the next years. So if the balance was 2000 euro at the end of 2018 (added under "Liquide middelen"), you simply report the value of the balance of that same bank account at 31 December 2019 under "Liquide middelen" again.


So, it's not so much that you made the wrong choice by adding the one bank account, but it's simply that you have to stay consistent with that choice. Once you report a bank account as a business asset, you must keep reporting it as such.

The bank account can only be removed from your business balance as soon as you start using it for business purposes less than 10% of the time. 

The goal of a resonance cascade is to plant the seeds of growth rather than yearning. If you think pseudo-profound bullshit quotes are inspirational, you're, well, kinda dumb. https://goo.gl/fZf4oe

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Hello prinsrachid, 


Excuse me it seems I always try to check my final question about Boekwaarde.


After reviewing all advises especially below two advises, I would like to declare my mixed bank account as private bank account.


On 12/03/2020 at 21:26, prinsrachid said:

When you use something between 10% and 90% for business purposes, you get to choose how the tax office should regard that asset.


On 12/03/2020 at 21:12, Rik · said:

Dan zou je dus je saldo in de balans op 0 kunnen zetten en 6000 als privé opname opgeven.

(Dan geef je ook bij de bankrekeningen aan dat dit geen zakelijke rekening is)


I already declared like this:
Boekwaarde begin boekjaar (1 januari 2018) = 0 euro
Boekwaarde einde boekjaar (31 december 2018) = 2000 euro


I would like to declare like this:

Boekwaarde begin boekjaar (1 januari 2019) = 2000 euro 

Boekwaarde einde boekjaar (31 december 2019) = 0 euro  


For my first year (2018), balance in my mixed bank account and business balance under Inkomstenbelasting did not have same amount. I realized too late. From this year, I will match the balance amount for both bank account and business balance under Inkomstenbelasting.    


I hope you see no conflict...

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Eventually my bank account information can go like this:

Balance of my business bank account  (1 januari 2019) = 0 euro (It will be like, I close my business bank account)

Balance of my private    bank account   (1 januari 2019) =  9000 euro


Related information:  

On 12/03/2020 at 18:24, Mary ZZP Netherlands said:

On 1 January 2019

9000 = total money in my 1 bank account.
6000 = only my balance from business.
3000 = only my saving from my former job. I only keep. I do not withdraw. I will only use when my busness needs some unexpected purchase.



aangepast door ZZP Mari Netherlands
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This one is correct. Excuse me.


Eventually my bank account information can go like this:

Balance of my business bank account  (1 januari 2019) = 0 euro (It will be like, I close my business bank account)

Balance of my private    bank account   (1 januari 2019) =  5000 euro


 Related information: 

On 13/03/2020 at 22:41, Mary ZZP Netherlands said:

On January 1, 2019 in my one bank account:
5000 = Total balance
2000 = Balance from eenmanszaak business (Sales - Business cost in 2018 + Bank interest )
3000 = Balance from private savings (Income from my previous employment work - Private shopping in 2018 + Bank interest)


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In my opinion this is technically not possible anymore, because you made the choice to declare one of the bank accounts as a business account in 2018 (even if you now say you wished you had not done that). Once it was declared that way in 2018, means you must now consistently declare it the same way (as a business account) in 2019, 2020, 2021, etc. You can of course follow Rik's advice, and 'pretend' like you're closing the account, but I feel that this would technically not be correct.


If you really feel you made a mistake in the income tax filing of 2018, it would be better to simply resubmit 2018 (where you then don't the bank account as a business asset).


The goal of a resonance cascade is to plant the seeds of growth rather than yearning. If you think pseudo-profound bullshit quotes are inspirational, you're, well, kinda dumb. https://goo.gl/fZf4oe

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