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Residence Permit for Freelancers

Hello Everyone!

I hope this is the right place to ask this question, apologies if it's not, would appreciate if I could know the correct place.


One of my friends works for a private limited company in the Netherlands with a 2 year contract, now they would like to start working as a freelancer, however their residence permit is only valid till their contract with their original employer. The question is, if someone registers as a freelancer or own a 1 man private limited company, can they file for their own residence permit?



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Hey there, thanks a lot of replying. I believe I already went through that article. It assumes that the person in question is outside the Netherlands. What would happen if someone is already in the country with the residence permit, then starts a company or wants to be a freelancer, is there is a rule for that?

aangepast door tuskkk
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2 uur geleden, tuskkk zei:

I believe I already went through that article. It assumes that the person in question is outside the Netherlands.


On the application form linked there "You have a valid residence permit in the Netherlands and you want to change the residence permit (as well as renewing the period of validity of the residence permit) to a different purpose of residence" is the first option you can check.

So chances are the same requirements apply.

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