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Any good and simple accounting software/solution



I am starting a business which is only services with minimum expenses/deductions and an average of 10 invoices/year, so I am thinking of doing my own accounting (I have been doing the same abroad...)


Do you recommend any software/solution that I can use for my accounting  without the need of an accountant?

Does it have to be recognized by Belastingdienst so I can submit returns and yearly balance automatically?


Thank you!

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2 antwoorden op deze vraag

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Have a look at moneybird.nl.
Easy to use for making invoices. flexible subsriptions per month so you can be on free plan most months (3 sales invoices and 3 cost invouices) and for Income tax return once a year you do the paid plan for one month.

our pick any of the paid plans that fit your needs

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