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E-signatures vs eHerkenning

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You need eHerkenning if you do business with the Dutch government. You need to have a dutch chamber of commerce registration number to aply for eHerkenniing.


If you don't have a Dutch Chamber of Commerce number:

Foreign entrepreneurs cannot use Dutch eHerkenning tools. To purchase eHerkenning, registration in the Dutch Business Register is mandatory - this is not always an option for foreign entrepreneurs. To make it possible for businesses and citizens in the EU to use e-identifiction cross-border, the eIDAS regulation came into force. As a result of the eIDas regulation, entrepreneurs from the EU can log in with a recognised European means of electronic identification.


For more information see this page of Business.Gov >>> 

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2 uur geleden, nikita12 zei:

is eHerkenning the same as a qualified e-signature that is accepted all throughout EU?


Not really.

eHerkenning is merely a system to authenticate your company when logging into government websites.


While qualified e-signatures are typically used to provide messages and files you created (e.g. a .pdf document) with an electronic signature to proof that it comes from you and has not been altered.


Those are not that commonly used by companies here. More often by government organizations.

E.g. if you order a digital company extract from the chamber of commerce, the .pdf file you will receive comes with such a digital signature that can be used to verify that the KVK really issued the document, and that it has not been fabricated by someone else.


aangepast door Maxn
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