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Can I work as a consultant for my own companies?

Can I work as a consultant for my own companies? I own 95.1% of one company and 100% of the other company. I am not a managing director of either company. I have another one-man business through which I would like to provide consulting services for both ob my companies. Is this possible or is it a problem that I own shares in both companies?

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4 uur geleden, Sabinchen zei:

I have another one-man business through which I would like to provide consulting services for both ob my companies. Is this possible or is it a problem that I own shares in both companies?

If you own shares in a company (BV) and work for this BV you have to abide by the mandatory DGA-salary as mentioned in your other topic. Invoicing from your eenmanszaak does not mitigate this obligation. Even worse: the Dutch tax services will probably rule out any tax benefits for your eenmanszaak if the goal is to avoid the DGA-salary

DenariusAdvies: Tax | M&A | Legal

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