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partner to pack my products

Hi everyone,

I am new here and working on the business plan for a company I am planning to start soon.

I am considering different options logistically for my (food/beverages) products. They are products produced and imported from another EU country. They would come already packaged, but I will sell them in a box mixing multiple products.


I see 2 options (open to different suggestions if you might have), which I would like to evaluate:

- I store the products myself and pack the boxes on my own location and ship to the end customer;

- I find a partner which can take care of storage, pack the boxes and deliver.

In the second case I am not sure which kind of company I should look for. From my limited knowledge co-packing companies are actually packing the single products and not just putting in a box different products already packaged. So here I am a bit lost, can someone help me?


Thank you very much.

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5 antwoorden op deze vraag

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There are many companies that will store and pack your products, and even take care of the logistics of shipping. It will however always be more expensive this way. Important factors are the quantity and frequency, because many companies will charge a fixed fee that will make their services very expensive if there is no high volume of sales.

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