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Food-related Legal Requirements for a Meal-hosting Digital Platform

My team is building a prototype for a digital meal-hosting platform. Our target userbase consists of homecooks (no restaurants/cafes) and meal consumers. 

We see two possible scenarios for our revenue-model. In the first, the homecooks can charge the consumers per meal, and in turn, owe a commission to the platform. In the second, the meals are not charged but both category of users pay a platform subscription fee with recurring payments.


As this operation involves food consumption, we have the following questions:


(1) What types of food-related legal compliance shall be required with this service both at the: 
       (i) homecook user's, and 
       (ii) the platform operator's end?
(2) How often will be the renewal of compliance in (1) required?


(3) What will be the associated costs with (1) and (2)?


Thank you


Best Regards,

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Hi Justaujee,

There's a lot to consider since you're aiming to create a platform that brings these parties together.

Just to address the most concerning issue that came to my mind:

While they may be home cooks, this is still a professional offer legally. Therefore, they are still responsible for adhering to food safety and hygiene regulations in the kitchen and ensuring the meals they prepare are safe for consumption, including considerations for allergies. Additionally, our law also holds the platform operator legally responsible in several ways.

One of the most significant aspects is that the platform operator is likely responsible for the quality and safety of the service provided through their platform in the end. This includes ensuring that home cooks comply with relevant regulations and that consumers are informed about any risks associated with consuming such meals.

So, I believe the platform operator bears legal responsibility as the entity facilitating the transaction and providing the platform for these activities to take place.

I would advise consulting a Dutch lawyer on this topic. There might be ways in which your platform is seen as merely connecting two parties, in which case legal responsibilities might be fewer. However, based on the scenarios you described for your revenue model, I am quite certain that your platform is also burdened with responsibilities. Food regulations in the Netherlands are strict and extensive, for good reason.

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In the Netherlands we used to have thuisafgehaald.nl, which provided the service you describe. It's now thuisgekookt.nl and their focus is now people who are no longer able to cook for themselves. 

So there might be room as the original idea behind thuisafgehaald (cook a bit more and sell it to your neighbours) no longer exists in it's original form.

Hans Damen - Insparcom

Strategisch Advies - Crisismanagement - Spreker - Dagvoorzitter - Divemaster

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