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BAV/AVB insurances in English


Hello Everyone,


As an IT company owner, I am having trouble finding an insurer which provides English services (the policy documents, communication etc.) for BAV and AVB.


Do you have any recommendations for such insurances which are provided in English and cover activities in the Netherlands?


Thank you!

aangepast door newbiz
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Hello Newbiz, and welcome to the Higherlevel forum 


Op 16-12-2021 om 02:19, newbiz zei:

Do you have any recommendations for such insurances which are provided in English and cover activities in the Netherlands?


As an insurance-agent with liability-insurances as one of my specialties,  I don't know of any current Dutch liability insurers that provides application forms and terms & conditions in English. The only thing insurance companies can provide after acceptance, is an English extract of the policy, the so called insurance certificate which is meant for providing proof of coverage to thirds like your customers 


So for my non-Dutch clients the whole process of getting quotes and choosing between offers is based on Dutch application forms and offers that we discuss in English, but the actual application and contract are in Dutch.


For both me and insurance companies, the demand for English documentation is not high enough to justify the cost of translating forms and terms, which tend to change also. 

And be aware that  the mere fact that an insurance company would provide such a service, does not necessarily mean it is a good and fitting coverage for you. 

Ik adviseer over en bemiddel in verzekeringen voor ondernemers en bedrijven.

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