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Expats outside EU who started an eenmanzaak in NL


I had an eenmanzaak in NL from 2005-2011, and I plan on moving my company back to NL from the US.  It is a different business than the first one I had there.  I have some questions regarding the best way to start another one, specifically:

-is it better to apply for an MVV or a start up visa?

-eenmanzak or BV?

-looking for recommendations for an accountant and someone who can assist me in writing a business plan for the Dutch market.


I am an autism career coach and consultant, and I work to support other adults on the spectrum in ther search for employment and education.  I am also autistic, and sometimes find it overwhelming to go through all of this on my own (although I have done it before), there are a lot more resources on the internet nw and so I am reaching out for support and recommendations.  I hope that is ok.


I will be in Amsterdam 18-27 April, and will either move my buisness or apply for the start up programme whilst there, and I am hoping to return in late summer. 


Thank you!


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How long are you planning to stay? Maybe you can make use of the Dutch-American Friendship Treaty (DAFT)? It gives you longer and easier residency and has extra lenient rules for Americans deciding to set up shop in the Netherlands and also allows you to stay longer - or even get an EU passport after 5 years.

A loophole in the Treaty actually allows Americans to stay on the Carribean parts of the Netherlands indefinitely and right away, even without a work permit (something Dutch people don't even have).

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