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Settings a playgroup in Amstelveen



Want to set up a expat based community playgroup for 2-4 years kids with some playing activities for 2/2.5 hours in a day. Can someone guide the process to set up or any recommendations for some agency to help us as we are international entrepreneur

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Welcome to entrepreneur platform Higherlevel, KZ_2022!


Joost is directing to day care facilities or regulations (kinderopvang) but your description fits more with peuterspeelzaal(werk). I think you have to check the differences between (pros and cons of) both or introduce your business plan or ideas in more details...


See online information and contact or even beter visit: https://www.amstelveen.nl/english/publicatie/amsterdam-inbusiness or Ondernemersloket of Gemeente Amstelveen.


For this region I would like to suggest volunteer organisation Amsterdam Mamas to cooperate with.




aangepast door Wigbolt
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Is this a serious startup business or just an idea or association/society? Have you contacted any suggestion already?


I dare to question the financing with 2 or 3 hours occupation per (working?) day, how do you envision this?





aangepast door Wigbolt
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On 16/06/2022 at 20:22, Gast said:

Is this a serious startup business or just an idea or association/society? Have you contacted any suggestion already?


I dare to question the financing with 2 or 3 hours occupation per (working?) day, how do you envision this?





I assume she will have multiple groups spread over different times of the day.

Beautinow.nl: online parfumwinkel voor Niche parfummerken.

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Last visit or login 14th of June, I honestly doubt it's a business or start-up at this point of time...



Want to set up a expat based community playgroup for 2-4 years kids with some playing activities for 2/2.5 hours in a day.





aangepast door Wigbolt
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