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International liability insurance for sole proprietorship


I am looking for liability insurance for a sole proprietorship registered in the Netherlands. The company primarily does business (selling products) in Europe and the United States, so the insurance must have good coverage beyond Europe. The products are manufactured in Europe.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


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 AutumnSonata welcome at the Higherlevel Forum!


10 uur geleden, AutumnSonata zei:

The company primarily does business (selling products) in Europe and the United States


A couple of questions to determine insurance possibilities:

  • What kind of products and for which kind of customers?
  • What is your annual turnover (rough estimate) and what percentage of that  is US Sales? 
  • Are these goods sold under your own brand name? 

Ik adviseer over en bemiddel in verzekeringen voor ondernemers en bedrijven.

Vragen of offertes?  Contact


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Hello Norbert,

Thank you!


What kind of products and for which kind of customers?

Home products (towels, pillows) - primarily B2C but also B2B


What is your annual turnover (rough estimate) and what percentage of that  is US Sales? 

The company only launched 1 month ago so I would say 100,000 Euro as a very rough estimate and 50% of that will be US Sales.


Are these goods sold under your own brand name? 




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17 uur geleden, AutumnSonata zei:

Home products (towels, pillows) - primarily B2C but also B2B


Besides medical and maternity care purposes, most insurance companies will consider these products as a low risk. This could benefit acceptance and premium


17 uur geleden, AutumnSonata zei:

The company only launched 1 month ago so I would say 100,000 Euro as a very rough estimate and 50% of that will be US Sales.


Based on this information you could try getting offers from large general insurance companies in the Netherlands like ASR, Centraal Beheer, Allianz and Nationale Nederlanden. 

If you happen to bank at Rabo you could also ask Rabo for an offer by Interpolis (Zeker Van Je Zaak). 


If you do not get a proper offer for a worldwide coverage from these companies, my advice would be to approach an insurance agent or broker and let him or her contact specialist liability insurance companies like  Markel, HDI, Chubb, AIG and Zurich


Ik adviseer over en bemiddel in verzekeringen voor ondernemers en bedrijven.

Vragen of offertes?  Contact


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