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As we enter a new millennium, we find ourselves in the Age of the Startup. Everywhere, it seems, people have a new idea that they want to turn into a business, a new business model that they want to turn into a company -- or an old company that needs a new idea. If you're not incubating a startup, you're starting an incubator.

Which prompts us to ask a question: How do you navigate your way through this new era of startups? Whether you're launching your own "dotcom" or starting the restaurant that you've always dreamed of opening, how do you make the right decisions? Should you hold on or let go? Find the right partner or go it alone? Stay small or learn how to grow?


Here are tools, tips, and time-tested tactics from 17 advisers, founders, and professional managers, all of whom have made startups work. Each has soared -- and each has hit some bumps along the way.


Hey, you wanna start something?


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