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Dutch BV director going abroad


I am in the Netherlands currently on the DAFT visa, and have my own BV. I was wondering - does anyone have experience with leaving your residence in the Netherlands as the BV director? How does this affect things - do you still pay yourself the minimum salary?

And - is it ok to hire a freelancer/subcontract some of the work if you are the only employee of your BV?

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Hi Dave,


Going back to the US? Do you hold i.e., own the shares in the 'BV' i.e., OpCo directly or via a HoldCo?


One thing you in any case should take into consideration is the so called 'conserverende aanslag' which the Dutch IRS will implement i.r.o. your shares in the OpCo or HoldCo.


If the 'gebruikelijkloonregeling' i.e., minimum salary applies depends on the tax treaty with the country you'll be tax resident when you've left the NL.


You're always free to hire a freelancer/contractor i.e., subcontract work.

Met vriendelijke groet,


Jeroen Kisters RPLU ARe

Adviseur juridisch risicomanagement, Risicodeskundige aansprakelijkheid & Getuige-deskundige Beroepsaansprakelijkheid

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Hi Dave 


Simply put: if you as the director move to another country, then the BV moves with you, unless it has a brick and mortar place from where your activities are (physically) carried out in the Netherlands. 


Since this usually isn't the case, you'll be looking at registering the BV with the Spanish chamber of commerce.


NL will impose an exit taxation on the BV. See info here in Dutch


For you as a person, see info here


Enjoy Spain

DenariusAdvies: Tax | M&A | Legal

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