Hello there, my name is Dacian, and i m just moving in Lith, NL. I don't know how to start to make my papers for a company. I would like to get some help from you, to advice me to understand the rules from this country. Also i would like to know if i can get a loan for start up because i need to buy some stuffs to start de company. I would like to start a business to clean the green spaces in villages, towns, etc... Thank you, and i apreciate every advice !
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Hello there, my name is Dacian, and i m just moving in Lith, NL. I don't know how to start to make my papers for a company. I would like to get some help from you, to advice me to understand the rules from this country. Also i would like to know if i can get a loan for start up because i need to buy some stuffs to start de company. I would like to start a business to clean the green spaces in villages, towns, etc... Thank you, and i apreciate every advice !
Link naar reactie
https://www.higherlevel.nl/forums/topic/75942-hello-i-need-some-help/Aanbevolen berichten
4 antwoorden op deze vraag