If find a job but employer doesnt want to offer work contract can i pay taxes through setting up a personal company and is this an issue if that employer didnt want to continou working with me ?
seems companies here doesnt want to employ people worrying they may not be a good worker and as its difficult to fire workers here ?
aangepast door ozan diken I corrected the speelling
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ozan diken
ozan diken
If find a job but employer doesnt want to offer work contract can i pay taxes through setting up a personal company and is this an issue if that employer didnt want to continou working with me ?
seems companies here doesnt want to employ people worrying they may not be a good worker and as its difficult to fire workers here ?
aangepast door ozan dikenI corrected the speelling
Link naar reactie
https://www.higherlevel.nl/forums/topic/75986-i-find-a-job-but-employer-doesnt-want-to-offer-work-contract/Aanbevolen berichten
1 antwoord op deze vraag