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I AM SORY because i write in english.I only have 2 month in school for Nederlands language so i can not write corect yet.I want to make a ondernemings plan , i have a lot of examples but i have a imoprtant question.I do not have any opleiding in the area i want to start the business so i want to know if it is any sens to continue with making of the plan.I make this plan for IMK.But the rest of the bussines will be very good because i can bring here clothes 6-7 times cheaper .


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I AM SORY because i write in english.I only have 2 month in school for Nederlands language so i can not write corect yet.I want to make a ondernemings plan , i have a lot of examples but i have a imoprtant question.I do not have any opleiding in the area i want to start the business so i want to know if it is any sens to continue with making of the plan.I make this plan for IMK.The bussines will be import of children clothes and sale them on the internet.But the rest of the bussines will be very good because i can bring here clothes 6-7 times cheaper .



although education will help a lot, it is not a prerequisite for succesful business results. the quality of the idea, the marketing plan and financial planning are much more important. if you are serious in setting up this business, make the plan for yourself and not for others. what is the IMK that you need to make the plan for? there are several organisations with that name.

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Thank you very much for your advice.I have some education (technical university in my country) and a one year curs in economy but nothing specific for Nederland.IMK is a institution here in Nederland who must evaluate my business plan so i can get a loan for starting my business.

Once again thank you VERY MUCH

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To be an entrepreneur, you do not need an education.

You need entrepreneurial spirit, stamina (endurance) and a clear understanding of what it is you're doing.

If you want to get a loan, what you need is a very good business plan and the right attitude and maybe personality traits.

Getting that loan is no guarantee for a successful business, of course ;)

To turn your business into a success you need other skills, such as commercial talents, some marketing skills, some administrative skills, some short term/long term planning and execution skills, some ..... et cetera!


If you can somehow show your skills in your field and make it clear why your business model can work and how you're going to make it...


Good luck!


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What are you comparing when you say you can 'bring clothes here' 6 to 7 times as cheap? Are you comparing wholesale prices in producing countries with consumer prices in western-europe? Most clothes that are being sold here, are bought for real low prices in Pakistan, China and Turkey; the added costs are in the chain from producer to consumer. Logistics, retail, marketing, etc. What is unique in your businessplan? I don't believe you have the buying power that C&A or H&M have, so when you want to sell at lower price you will need a more efficient supply chain. On the other hand: a specialized webstore for kids clothes might just be a good idea, especially if you concentrate on basics. Did you already look at companies that didn't succeed with similar businessmodels?

Hiep hiep hoera: honderd jaar A4  :partying-face:  (DIN = Duits Instituut voor Normalisatie)

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