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Tips voor producent die werkt middels food extrusion?

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Extrusion has application in food processing. Products such as certain pastas, many breakfast cereals, Fig Newtons, premade cookie dough, Murukku, Sevai, Idiappam, jalebi, some french fries, certain baby foods, dry pet food and ready-to-eat snacks are mostly manufactured by extrusion. In the extrusion process, raw materials are first ground to the correct particle size (usually the consistency of coarse flour). The dry mix is passed through a pre-conditioner, where other ingredients are added (liquid sugar, fats, dyes, meats and water depending on the product being made), steam is injected to start the cooking process. The preconditioned mix is then passed through an extruder, and then forced through a die where it is cut to the desired length. The cooking process takes place within the extruder where the product produces its own friction and heat due to the pressure generated (10–20 bar). The process can induce both protein denaturation and starch gelatinization, depending on inputs and parameters. Extruders using this process have a capacity from 1–25 tonnes per hour depending on design.

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