Selling = Service & selling = service

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Selling = Service = selling = service ... en zo is het maar net | onderscheidend ontwerp | onze tool & methode om snel en doelgericht kernwaarden te bepalen

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>>>If this video is legit I hate to see the producers. It makes me ashamed to be human


>>>this vid makes me want to off myself... twice


>>>aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrr must slash wrist!!!!!!!!


>>>How much for the young one?


>>>this vid is an evidence that the Mayans are right !! it's the end of the world, ppl !


>>>Just shoot me


>>>What a shitty store. Bunch of useless crap


>>>They are too excited for this


>>>I want Nicki


>>>what's wrong with these people


>>>dafuq did I just watch O_o


>>>Was anybody else uncomfortably creeped out by the dudes with beards? Happy Pete looks like he's a registered pedophile in more then one county and that old guy looks like the uncle that you never leave your kids alone with....I desperately need to watch something cool to remove this video from my memory data base


>>>Anyone watch more than 10 seconds of this tripe?


>>>OMFG I can't believe I actually sat through the whole of that video...... I NEED TO GET OUT MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!






>>>This is my nightmare!


>>>30 seconds in... the heck?


>>>I couldn't even watch the whole thing.... this was horrible


>>>Sir Puk-a-lot


>>>i find this not a good fappage material


>>>service is selling...........COME TO MY SEMINAR!!!!!


>>>magical. pure magic.


>>>omg please dont allow anyone else to see this (no words can describe how awful this video is) video. im now more saddened that there are still people like this out there.


>>>this store was robbed at gunpoint the day after


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