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Legal advice about type of company, taxes and insurances



I am looking to form a company for an online store, however I am not well versed in Dutch law and would like to go over the steps, requirements and obligations this would entail. I was wondering who I could get in contact with regarding the type of company that would best suit my needs, taxes, insurances, and other bits of information specific to the type of store I'd manage.


Most of what I've seen online are lawyers in the Randstad area specializing in the formation of companies that charge anywhere between €500 - 1500 for this process alone. I'm in the Groningen area and would prefer to have someone close by I could talk to face-to-face to clear all my doubts and questions before going through that process.


If you know of anyone you would recommend, I'd very much appreciate it.

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Hi Nick,


Welcome to the Higherlevel forum!


I should close this topic because questions about which firm to choose  are not supported on the forum itself, but in our "offers & requests" section  (direct link, this section is also available in English, just press the Flag in the upper right corner) 


But actually I doubt if a lawyer is the best option to fullfill your  needs. 


Why not try a good local accountancy firm first? Many of them offer both legal and tax advice for startups and sometimes - if they have the right licenses - even insurances .

Ik adviseer over en bemiddel in verzekeringen voor ondernemers en bedrijven.

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