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KvK register [before or after I start to sell]

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Yes, the criteria for registering at the KvK are quite low. So as soon as you start to enter the marketplace, you should already register. It doesn't matter if the sales are too low to live off of yet. The same criteria apply for registering for a VAT number. However, if you sell less than 20.000 euro per year in turn-over, you can apply for the so-called small businesses scheme. This will give you a VAT exemption, at least until you reach the yearly turn-over threshold.


I do suggest you also read up at the KvK. They have an English section, which might be helpful. The Dutch governement also has a website in English for starting a business.

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3 hours ago, Joost Rietveld said:

Hi Andrei, welcome to the forum.


Register first, get a VAT number and then start selling. You can't sell as an entrepreneur without a VAT number.


best of luck


Hi Joost, 
Okay I understand, thank you for your answer. 

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2 hours ago, prinsrachid said:

Yes, the criteria for registering at the KvK are quite low. So as soon as you start to enter the marketplace, you should already register. It doesn't matter if the sales are too low to live off of yet. The same criteria apply for registering for a VAT number. However, if you sell less than 20.000 euro per year in turn-over, you can apply for the so-called small businesses scheme. This will give you a VAT exemption, at least until you reach the yearly turn-over threshold.


I do suggest you also read up at the KvK. They have an English section, which might be helpful. The Dutch governement also has a website in English for starting a business.

Yes I will read everything I need at the KvK, thank you for your answer. 

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