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legal form business in the sphere of Marijuana production


We would like to establish legal form business in the sphere of Marijuana production and would like to clarify some legal aspects regarding this.


We are interested in participating in a cannabis chain as a supplier. According to estimates made by our experts, we can start with a supply of 30-65 tons of finished product in the form prescribed by Dutch law per year which we can start producing in the Netherlands and further develop this area of farming.

Taking into account this information we would like to ask you to answer to the following questions:


1. Is it possible for a legal entity to obtain a license for production (cultivation) of cannabis?

2. What are requirements for a legal entity to obtain and further use the license for production (cultivation) of cannabis?

3. What is the cost of obtaining the license as well as legal procedures for obtaining license for production (cultivation) of cannabis?

4. What are the restrictions on operating in the legal marijuana production market?

5. Production of which products includes the license for production (cultivation) of cannabis?

6. How to apply for a license for production (cultivation) of cannabis?

7. Where can we find a complete list of laws, decrees, and documents regulating cultivation and production of products containing THC?

8. Where can we find tax regulations for marijuana production market?

9. Which authority can provide more detailed information in the form of consultation?

aangepast door ilyalap
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2 uur geleden, ilyalap zei:

According to estimates made by our experts, we can start with a supply of 30-65 tons of finished product in the form prescribed by Dutch law per year...


Bij een verkoopwaarde van 10 euro per gram (ergens tussen 5 en 20) heb je het over een omzet van 300M tot 650M op basis van consumentenprijzen. Ik neem aan dat jullie groothandelsprijzen hanteren. Desondanks betreft het een omzetverwachting waarbij je juist voor het complexe proces van lokatie, vergunningen en installaties beter een expert kan inhuren dan je vraag voorleggen aan een forum als Higherlevel.

Hiep hiep hoera: honderd jaar A4  :partying-face:  (DIN = Duits Instituut voor Normalisatie)

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Dear Ilya


Welcome to the forum. I have to agree with TwaBla:


As is the case with all starting entrepreneurs: you really need to be able to figure things out yourself. In your post you are basically asking the forum to write a big chunk of your business plan. Information about most of your questions is readily available on this Dutch government website


Furthermore: you are seeking legal and fiscal advice related to a million euro business. The worst way to get it, is for free. Not that we are not knowledgeable on this forum, but your business is far to complex for you to just go by answers given on this forum, without us knowing al the ins and outs of it. 

If you want to start a serious business, be serious about investing in knowledge!


best of luck


DenariusAdvies: Tax | M&A | Legal

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