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Food Catering

I am starting food catering and identified the place and negotiating the rental price. I have two questions. I am currently home catering and niw like ti move toa shop.


1. Can I get cooked food from my home and also ask some of my friends to cook and to sell to me.

2. Can I hire temporary worker - daily wage kind of thing - like 3 hours a day as my shop will be open only 3 or 4 hours a day 

3. What are the registrations I must do - Like NVWA and Hygine code as well. any other necessary things. 

4. The place is in commercial marketplace so it's eligible for food catering. 




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Yes there are rules for Home catering.

Yes to only individual customers.

Just some food.

Yes. food is prepared in the shop and some help is needed 

for home caterers, there will be some rules based on HICAP. 


These uestions you raised do not help me to answer my questions

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3 uur geleden, sricn12 zei:

These uestions you raised do not help me to answer my questions


Actually they do, these are only some of the questions you need to investigate and research.


Maybe you can start your research at https://ondernemersplein.kvk.nl/

Good luck!

Succes & Groet, 

Hans (J.H.) van den Bergh, MSc BEc

HL-Deelnemer en -Moderator I Social Designer I Consultant Communicatie -, Innovatie - en Marketing-Strategie I Design Thinker Gediplomeerd Specialist Arbeidsrecht  Bedrijfsidee? Toets het gratis: HIERMEE!

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9 uur geleden, sricn12 zei:

These uestions you raised do not help me to answer my questions


My questions aim to clarify your story.


Your plan is to prepare food at home, in your shop AND at friends. From a hygienic perspective that sounds like a nightmare. Who is to blame when your food is spoiled or contaminated? I bet you are!


I am sure there are some caterers here who can help with tips.

Hiep hiep hoera: honderd jaar A4  :partying-face:  (DIN = Duits Instituut voor Normalisatie)

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