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South African in North Holland - starting my own business?

First of all I would like to apologize for not writing in Dutch,

but I'm new in this country and I'm trying my best to learn dutch.


I'm a young white South African male looking for some advice.


I'm a very busy person with school and sport and I have no time for work.


I would like to know if anyone could give me any advice of how I can make money working out of house or maybe starting own business.


I would gladly receive any comments about this submit.


A lot of thanks




[changed the headline - moderator]

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He rudy,


I think you can look a lot closer then you thought possible;-) We just started a company promoting Schoolrugby and Touchrugby. Jorik is doing the field work and monique the administrative side of business. A touch tournament is organized in Mai/June and Schoolrugby projects are already in place. Start of Januari the websites will be in the air. Drop me an email or contact me at the club.


Rugby is not a big money spinner in Holland, but I might be able to use you and some of your friends.






ps. tonight I'm at the training

Michiel Smith



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Leuke opleiding???

« Gepost op: 8 december 2005, 14:39 »


Ik ben nu bijna klaar met mij Havo loopbaan


en ik heb nog geen idee wat ik wil doen.


Weet iemand enige leuke opleidingen die bij Natuur & Techniek met biologie past.


Please help me on this one , btw I'm more English than dutch , als dat misschien enige effect heeft op opleiding

groetjes Rauty




Het is natuurlijk altijd nuttig voor forumleden om hun Engels op te poetsen. Is er een reden voor dat je in het ene geval in het Nederlands schrijft en de volgende keer in het Engels?

Ik heb nog wel wat Engelse tips voor je:

True true gijs you do got a point,

"have a point"

Well I think the biggest problem is to little publicity?

.... is too ......

Well I play rugby in holland to

.... in Holland too......

it's 80 minutes puur adrenaline

.... pure ...

it's one of the top sports in there country

... their country....


Zomaar even een selectie.


Toch maar gewoon in het Nederlands verder gaan................????? ???


The world is a book, and those who do no travel read only a page.

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Hi Rauty,


My schoolteachers have tried to play rugby in my school with the pupils but it didn't work. In my opinion that has happened because of the lack of interest and nobody really knew the rules..I think you can create quite a bit more attention for the sport than there is now..just by teaching them the rules and have unfamilliar faces around to teach them, make sure they're pretty and big because only then you create a certain appeal that automatically generates an inquisitive group. I just aim at the younger people around, because a project like this is going to take (I think) 5-10 years before it can be really appreciated and accepted.. so my advice: aim at the 18-25 years.. if u have enough people who support these things and whom also really want to go for this then contact schools asking them if you can have a gym lesson with your pals and explain it to them..

Some achieve greatness, some are born great and some have greatness trust open them.

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