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Registration in the Chamber of Commerce

Good morning, 


My quiestion is the following. 


I have a company in Netherlands registered in the Chamber of Commerce and I have just set up a company in Spain. The share capital of the NEWCO are the shares of the NLCO, therefore I am not longer the owner of the shares of NLCO but the NEWCO enterprise is. 


I need to inform this situation to the Chamber of Commerce of Netherland? Which is the procedure? Do I also have to inform this in any other register? 



Thank you very much for the help. 

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3 uur geleden, smingrone zei:

therefore I am not longer the owner of the shares of NLCO but the NEWCO enterprise is.

Hi Smingrone, welcome


Don't mean to burst your bubble, but transfer of shares of a Dutch BV can only be handled through a Dutch Notary.... So the deed that you signed in Spain isn't complete. You need a Dutch Notary to act upon the Spanish deed and make him draft a deed in which the shares are actually transferred to the Spanish Newco.

DenariusAdvies: Tax | M&A | Legal

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32 minutes ago, Joost Rietveld said:

Hi Smingrone, welcome


Don't mean to burst your bubble, but transfer of shares of a Dutch BV can only be handled through a Dutch Notary.... So the deed that you signed in Spain isn't complete. You need a Dutch Notary to act upon the Spanish deed and make him draft a deed in which the shares are actually transferred to the Spanish Newco.

Hi Joost, 

Thank you very much for your explanation. 

Are you able to assist me with this or do you have a notary to recomend me that can help me with this? 



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