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letter of intent to leave v.o.f.

Hello, I am one partner in a 2 man v.o.f. and the other partner wants to leave the v.o.f.. At which point the v.o.f. will cease to trade. I will continue our operations as a one man business and perhaps begin a new v.o.f. in the future. According to our v.o.f. agreement the partner wishing to leave must provide written notice 3 months before the end date.

My question: Is there a standard letter / form that my business partner can use to officially notify the v.o.f. of his intention to leave? Or does anyone have such a letter. I have contacted the kvk who were most helpful, however they do not have such a letter on file.


The reason I ask of course is my level of dutch is not good enough to write anything vaguely legal. Can anyone help?

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Hi Stewie


Sorry to be late with my response. A letter to leave a vof is not that difficult, even in English. I assume that you take over the vof as a private company without having to deal with debts and assets:


Dear partner (vennoot),


In accordance with our vof-agreement I hereby notify you that as of , taking my notice period in account, I will no longer be a partner (vennoot) in our vof. In order to relieve myself of the duties confined in our agreement, I will take into account the articles containing my obligations regarding leaving the vof, especially accepting consequences during and after my notice period.


Furthermore I will make sure that my exit will be documented with the Chamber of Commerce (CoC) where our vof resides. Form 17 (expiration of a vof) will be signed by both parties and filed with the CoC. Any other necessary actions will be fulfilled by both parties, i.e. registering the end of the vof with the Tax Authorities for all taxes involved.


Lastly, I hereby declare that all legal disputes and debts with its origin lying within (the working period of) our vof-agreement will be handled as if I was still a partner in de vof. This especially contains tax liabilities.


Please feel free to register the name of our former vof with the CoC as your private company (eenmanszaak). I hereby declare that our former business name is yours to use.


Regarding the assets and debts in the vof, I hereby declare that without any compensation, all are yours.


Please sign underneath for your acceptance.


X         Stewie


Stewie, feel free to ask!


Best regards


DenariusAdvies: Tax | M&A | Legal

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