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bedrijf zonder BTW? help please

Good day,


First of all, sorry for don´t write in dutch but I am learning yet and this kind of theme it is a little bit complicated for me in dutch. I am going to create a company. My company will works with ships. It will be an intermediate between my clients (ships) and the suppliers (a Catering service).


I will recieve an order from the ships, and I have to search and choose the best supplier in each port where the ships is going to be.


My question is: The things that the supplies supply in the ports/havens arround the world (In Netherland also) doesn´t have BTW (Or taxes) because are productos for the ships in the sea, and they are free of taxes.


- How can i declare my income to the belastingdienst if my invoices will be not with BTW?


I went to the KVK to inform about the steps to create a company, and I commented that example, but the person that spoke with me, didn´t know about that... (Now we have to go again to put my company on, and take the kvk nummer)


So, if my company doesn´t work with BTW, it will be neccesary take an advisor ot will be more easy? Because my company will start with not too much money with just one client, and the advisor are really expensive for me at the begining....


I will not have a payroll because is not too much money at the moment, and it´s just an "extra" job. How much money I have to pey per year to the kvk?


I hope you understand me,


Kind Regards and thank you in advance

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Ok, I understand. I have to go to the KVK to get the BTW number (also if my invoices are not with BTW) and get my numer of the KVK company to declare per year my incoms. Maybe I can pay an advisor first time, and try to learn how it works. It is an option.


Anyone knows how often you have to declare? three times per year? once per year? Or maybe it depends of your incoms and your kind of company?


I hope in the KVK recomend me which kind of company is better for me. I suppose depends of the prevision of incoms, number of persons, and kind of work.

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Income tax once a year (before april 1st of the next year or you have to ask for extension)


BTW tax (omzetbelasting) normally once every quarter, but if your income is low you can in some cases ask the Belastingdienst to change this to once every year.

website zonder gedoe? www.zondergedoe.nl

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Ok, I understand. I have to go to the KVK to get the BTW number (also if my invoices are not with BTW) and get my numer of the KVK company to declare per year my incoms. Maybe I can pay an advisor first time, and try to learn how it works. It is an option.


Anyone knows how often you have to declare? three times per year? once per year? Or maybe it depends of your incoms and your kind of company?


I hope in the KVK recomend me which kind of company is better for me. I suppose depends of the prevision of incoms, number of persons, and kind of work.


You are almost there.


You go to the KvK, which is not a government agency, to register the fact that you are in business and get a number to identify your business.


The KvK sends this information to the Belastingdienst, which is a government agency. They issue the BTW number based on the information you give the KvK.


If you are doing business as a person (eenmanszaak) I believe you get the BTW number right there at the KvK. But the KvK does not issue it, they get it from the Belastingdienst. If you start something else, the number will come in the mail.


The KvK also has people available to give you advice. They have classes and seminars, which are given by experts. In larger cities some of these are given in other languages as well, so you might want to check on that.


BTW is usually declared online, every quarter.

Snel en eenvoudig bedrijfshuisvesting, waar de ruimte aan je werk past, en niet andersom. Wij zijn aan het delen. En het is geweldig. http://www.registratie-adres.nl


Een professioneel, verwelkomen coworking gemeenschap Treat it like your own. It is. http://www.kamer52.nl

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Ok, I understand. I have to go to the KVK to get the BTW number (also if my invoices are not with BTW) and get my numer of the KVK company to declare per year my incoms.


The VAT number is issued by 'de belastingdienst' but it can be issued through the KVK (chamber of commerce). You have to invoice 0% ( zero procent ) and that is not the same as 'without vat / no btw' !! Keep with your invoices a copy of the stamped delivery note or the number of the used T1 (custom document) so you can prove that the goods did left the EU. (name of ship and or destination) So if you get any control, you can proof why you invoiced at 0%.



I hope in the KVK recomend me which kind of company is better for me. I suppose depends of the prevision of incoms, number of persons, and kind of work.


I guess you will go for 'eenmanszaak' ( sole proprietorship )

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Good day,


Thank you so much for your responses. It is probable I will go to the KVK next week so... I will put here my experience. I have a last question. if finally I try to make the incoms declaration and VAT declarations myself, Do you know if there is any website where can I download a official documments to complete myself?


I know will be more easy with an advisor. But, I´m going to start with just one client at the moment, and will be a trial. So, If I can save that money it could be very nice for me. (If the bussines is going right, next year I would like to get an advisor of course because will be more papers).


The VAT, I know I can make it via internet. But for declare my incoms, there is any website in the belastingdienst for example to download the official documents? (I have try to find it but I have not been able. Sorry)



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Good day,


The documents to complete has been recieved from the KVK just few days ago. I've been able to understand with the help of the translator ;) I think all is clear but in a document about " What I think about my incoms" There´s a section about my adviseur to complete with the name of his company, adress, contact person... I hoop it´s not obligatory ??? Because finally I´m going to try to make my "numbers" myself searching the required documents to complete, and the belastingdienst adress to send it where it is necessary.


What do you think about that?

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There´s a section about my adviseur to complete with the name of his company, adress, contact person... I hoop it´s not obligatory ???


Hi Newer,


It's no obligation indeed, you can do it all by yourself and in your business-situation with only one (trial) client, I wouldn't advise you otherwise. Just write: 'I haven't got one'.


In the future when business grows, I would strongly suggest to get yourself an advisor. It'll cost you some money, but in the end it'll save you from a lot of trouble and he or she will spare you money.





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Good day,


I went to the KVK on Thursday last week. The company is created. The advisor of KVK had not idea about the taxes of my company but, He told me that each Tuesday there is people of belastingdienst in that KVK and I can go without previus appointment to ask my doubts. That´s nice.


He told me also that If I don´t have an advisor for my taxes etc doesn´t matter, because is easy if I don´t have a lot of incoms.


Kind Regards.

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I went to the KVK on Thursday last week. The company is created.




The advisor of KVK had not idea about the taxes of my company but, He told me that each Tuesday there is people of belastingdienst in that KVK and I can go without previus appointment to ask my doubts. That´s nice.


Sure, the Belastingdienst is famous for the saying: leuker kunnen we het niet maken, wel makkelijker (we can't mae it more fun to pay taxes, but we can make the paperwork easier). This is our taxpayers money at work, helping you to fill out the paperwork and declare your taxes in the right way.


He told me also that If I don´t have an advisor for my taxes etc doesn´t matter, because is easy if I don´t have a lot of incoms.


This is absolute B.S. First of all you there is the language barrier. Secondly your VAT declaration won't be easy, especially the first few. VAT can be like a real hornets nest, and with your business you've stepped in the worst of them all. It looks easy but there are litteraly thousands and thousands pages of law dedicated solely to VAT.

My sincere advice: get in touch with a tax advisor who is trained in international VAT law. It won't be cheap but you'll be thankful for the assistance and in the long run it will save you money. As for the income tax, this could be doable but if you save a penny on the consultant it could cost you a pound in lost tax deductions.


Best of luck!

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http://www.dennisvandijk.com | info@dennisvandijk.com

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Good day,


I´m going to make my first invoice. But I have a question...


I have supplied a vessel near Rotterdam through a supply company en Rotterdam. That supplier is going to send me an invoice to pay that (with a credit note with my disccount) and I have to send an invoice to my client with the amount of that invoice.


Can I make an invoice with my data but with the articles/goods of the supplier? The thing is that those articles hasn´t came to my office, and I have not sent from here... because I´m an intermediate.


Antoher companies send the invoice of supplier directly to the client, but I think is better with my data. I think is more formal.


But maybe the belastingdienst thinks that I have an store or something like that and it´s different

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