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Good day,


I wrote a few weeks asking about to create an eenmanzaak and a recieved a lot of help from several members. I am very grateful because of that :)


Now I must to declare the BTW. For the people who knows nothing about my history, this first time to declare I´m going to make it myself because I have started right now and I have only one invoice to declare without BTW because my company is free of BTW.


I have tryed to make it via belastingdienst website. But I have just a doubt.


On the first step says If I have to declare something. I have put "yes" because on the KVK a person told me that even if I don´t have BTW, I have to declare it like 0%. Then, I have put "yes".


In the rubriek 1, there is some options. (Leveringen/diensten belast met 19%, the same with 6 %, leveringen/diensten belast met overige tarieven, behalve 0% (I have translate but is not for my company). Privégebruik, and the last one, Leveringen/diensten belast met 0% of niet bij u belast. So, I have put there, the amount of the invoice make it and send it to my client.


The next step, Rubriek 2 Rubriek 2: Verleggingsregelingen binnenland (2a. Leveringen/diensten waarbij de omzetbelasting naar u is verlegd ), there is two fields to complete:


One of those

is "Bedrag waarover omzetbelasting wordt berekend" and " Omzetbelasting".


I understand that in "Bedrag waarover omzetbelasting wordt berekend" I have to put the amount of the invoice (My supply invoice and the invoice to my client is the same amount) but my doubt is on "Omzetbelasting" because I don´t know if I have to put the same amount, or I have to put "0"...


Next year I will have an adviseur but for this first time I prefer make it my self. Just I hope don´t go to the jail!


Many thanks.

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Aanbevolen berichten

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Think you are misunderstanding me? It does not matter where the vessel is!(see link earlier sent of the Belasting dienst I know it is in Dutch but that are the rules ). You are a Dutch company and you make delivery of ship supplies to a ocean vessel and you can proof the same. In that case VAT is 0% and this has nothing to do where the vessel and you deliver directly to the ocean vessel


That is just what I understend. And we are agree I se ;) The problem now is fill the fields up. I am going to try to upload an image, maybe it´s more graphic.... I have to upload one image for each page sorry :( I don´t know if there is more steps, I don´t think so. I prefer stop in that step, because maybe there is no more steps and I sent my declare wrong done. If some one can helps me with the translate... because the exactly meaning it is hard for the first time.

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I would say all items must be at 0 because you do not pay and you do not receive any BTW/VAT? But i'm not a expert at filling in the program but I know how the rules work when it comes to VAT vs shipping/transport


You are on the right. All of items are without BTW/VAT. The transport is not a problem because the supplie takes care about it.

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Actually, they are not without VAT (exempt) but with 0% VAT (1e in your form)


Hi Letsel. Many thanks. I was sure to put there the amount. But I don´t really know if I have to put there the invoice I made to my client, or the invoice I recieve from my supply because there is only one field, or put both together. (In this case those invoices are the same amount, but maybe is not always that way, that´s the reason I would like to know what I must to put there)

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