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micro-payments, where?

hallo mensen,

ik zie dat dit een hollandse site is. Mijn nederlands is matig dus ik denk het is makkelijker om verder te gaan in het engels.


I am social entrepreneur between the discovery and planning phase of a new software application. I don't need 2 million euro let alone 20,000. Actually a lot of projects only need a small investment to get going. Do you have any suggestions on where to find small investments which can be paid back from the government or private sources? anywhere from 2-10,000 euro.





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the project is a social networking type application that uses geographical proximity alongside of subject matter as a basis for making a connection. I am designing the front end and i need to pay a programmer to develop the fucntionality for the back end. Marketing for the new service would be viral and using alternative and cost saving techniques.



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1.)ts not truly localized or works in the netherlands, how do you really reach the market here for for that matter across europe - answer in the native language


2) business model - well build a user base - advertising and introduction of extra services beyond minimal whether its selling security systems or communciation extra functionalities. there are many target groups here form mothers to entrepreneurs.

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I understand now and it may sound as a good idea. However, Do not underestimate:

- the cost of design, development, testing, deployment and 24/7 maintenance of such an application;

- the cost of making it robust, scalable, multi-language; multi-user; secured and maintainable;

- the cost for marketing;

- the cost to export it to other countries.


If you still are positive about this idea, keep us posted so we can help you in developing your plan.

Pitch Coach | Pitch Trainer | Public Speaker | Sparring Partner | Mentor | Pitcholoog (c)

"Your product, idea or business deserves a great pitch. I love to help you!"

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interesting to see what people have done. great link.

curious to know what do you think?

the sites are good as far as functionality, but really badly designed.


There is definately a space for a well designed, useful functionalities that people would want inform them about useful local services, each other and events.


Still very interested in continuing with my plan.

still the business goals need to be further defnined and balanced with the social benefits.



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I have to agree with VC on this:

However, Do not underestimate:

- the cost of design, development, testing, deployment and 24/7 maintenance of such an application;

- the cost of making it robust, scalable, multi-language; multi-user; secured and maintainable;


Every aspect mentioned robust, scalable. etc adds to the complexicity of the software design. I've done robust, multi-language and user, secured and maintainable. Not all at the same time but it's a bitch compared to designing an application for a small user group where a bug is easily fixed without too many consequences. So a budget of 2-10k for all these features sounds small (but enough to make a good start if you get an experienced coder)


On the money side: the Postbank sends me advertisments for a 10k credit every month. So it's not that hard to get small credits ;D But you have to be a customer for at least 3 years.

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some random thoughts.


presentation is (almost) everything, however...


don't underestimate the technical effort that would be involved. there is a major difference between having a nice designed site, and having the required functionality. i'd rather have a poorly designed site which has a proper datamodel and business logic behind it, than a nice looking site with no decent backend. you can always make a new look and feel, but a proper technical implementation needs to be considered from the beginning, certainly if you want to roll out with localized versions across europe.


as you are a designer, perhaps you can provide us with some links so we can see some of your work? have you considered partnering with an existing social software venture that works but is poorly designed?


is there a business model in social software? not to mention that it is a very crowded field already. plus we will see social networking functionality become integrated in software applications and services such as outlook, yahoo, google, etc..


is this what you are thinking: http://www.plazes.com/


good luck with your venture.




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i am not making a multi-language site. From 6 months working in the porn world, i learned to change the skin and language for different cultures. I only want to release for the dutch market at this stage.


Scalability is an issue and involves high costs. i work together with a project manager who works in the advertising world. He has warned me about needing a dedicated server should many users be involved. Your comments about business model and data logic are extremely important. I don't want to partner with another group at this point.


Yes there is a window closing as new implementations of Outlook and other software come onto the market. I want to focus on providing as rich a window on local culture and design sensibility as possible as an alternative. Also i can imagine building functionalities like Skype into this application.


I really want to focus on a simple way to ROI and at same time get a first version out there as i don't want to wait around. I can then focus on implementing new functionalities and developing business through marketing to build the user group and involving advertisers and product placements that relate to the users.


design examples i can send to anyone interested in a personal email as i don't want to post a massive list here.


I work as an interactive art director

I have 4 years of experience with Flash and general design work


clients include:

BMW, Shell, ABN AMRO, Craft Film, JWT, Mini, Chemistry, Do-Be-Do





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"plazes" site is not what i mean but certainly an interesting link.


That site still looks too vague. It needs to list your building at the very least. I am into the super local, ie listing where you live and if possible coupling that with a location on a map interface.


think more along the lines of www.meettheneighbors.org






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