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Importeren Alcoholhouden uit Taiwan naar EU

Hi all,


I'm looking for information on all the procedures that maybe needed to import an alcohol product into the Netherlands and then onwards to the EU. The product will receive it's BTI soon and all the ingredients are allowed in the EU. The Manufacturer has HACCP and GMP qualifications.



1) Do I need to do Food Safety tests to be done? Do you know any company that can help?

2) Do I need other approvals besides customs and then paying all the duties?

3) What the basic mandatory requirements I need to have in place?


I am also looking for the following:


1) Insurance as an importer of Products in the EU

2) Distribution partner to import and get these products onwards onto the EU

3) Popular alcohol distributors you might know in the EU?


Thanks and Regards,



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Hi Maarten,


Do you know someone who can help me with that? It would be great. Isn't there a software out there that can help me.


I will be selling directly to distributors. i'm going to make it part of the contract to ensure that we work through excise calculations before shipping it to them.


But, if I pay excise in the Netherlands is there an easy way to get a transfer done +/- to another country?


Thanks, Greg.


P.S. i tried calling you but will try tomorrow again.


Hi Greg,


What I miss in your question how you are going to handle the excise. As this is different per EU country I suggest you take a good look at this aswell.




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Hi Miki,


Thanks for your response.


It would be great to get information on what needs to go on the label. It will only add to the other information I already have. But, it's worth looking at it from all angles.


It would be ideal to know what the language mandatory required by each country? If 2-3 top languages would do. I'm primarily going to be selling B2B.


Cheers Miki.






do you need info on the requirements with regard to labels (on the bottles)?

If so, let me know and I'll find out for you.


Regards, Miki

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I am afraid we only have information on the Dutch rules.

RVO can give you information on rules in other countries.


Information on labels can be found on our website

The law (art.23) states that information on these labels must be in Dutch.

The law can be found here (only in Dutch I am afraid!)


Special requirements for labellling alcoholic beverages can be found here


In december the rules regarding labelling will change Once again: this information is only available in Dutch.


Regards, Miki

RVO.nl/Antwoord voor bedrijven informeert ondernemers over wetten, regels en subsidies. Zij werkt samen met Ondernemersplein.nl en andere (overheids)partners.

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Hi Greg,


You should avoid to pay excise in the Netherlands in case you later deliver it to another country. Once excise paid it will be difficult / impossible to get it back. So goods should stay in a special bonded warehouse designated for excise goods. I can not help you with this as we do not have such licence. But I there are a couple of forwarders in the Netherlands who are holding such licence.


You might can try http://www.vanuden.com/en/uw-werkveld/food-beverage/


But maybe BJM can also assist you https://www.higherlevel.nl/profiel/u/bjm






Maarten Versluis


Logic4l B.V.

Logic4l Transport Solutions


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