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How to retrieve log in codes for Belastingdienst business account online

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Hi, I am having troubles to fill my first quarter VAT declaration for my company as I don't know the log in codes, is it possible to retrieve them online? Or maybe there is any other way how to fill tax declaration?

It depends on whether or not you have provided the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration with an e-mail address in the past.


If you have, then you can go to the login screen and click "Gebruikersnaam en/of wachtwoord vergeten?" ("Forgotten your username and/or password?"). Then select "Ik ben mijn gebruikersnaam vergeten" ("I have forgotten my username").


Inloggen ondernemers



If you haven't registered your e-mail address in the past, then you will have to contact the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration. It will take upto 10 working days to receive your new login details.




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Even if the VAT taxreturn should be submitted before April 30th, you will have a few days extra, before you will have to pay the standard fine.

Even if you didn't submit the taxreturn on time, ake sure the taxoffice receives the payment before April 30th. A late payment alsways results in a fine.


Administratiekantoor Frelo

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It was only the first month of the company and I didn't make any taxable VAT, but I know that I have to submit the tax declaration anyways. Is there a way how to do it without those log in codes? such as financial service company or something. As I can't wait to receive it to my home address as I am on holiday and it will be too late. Any suggestions would help. Thank you in advance.

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Any suggestions would help. Thank you in advance.

I would suggest to contact the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration in any case. Simply explain your case there and see what they can do for you.

The goal of a resonance cascade is to plant the seeds of growth rather than yearning. If you think pseudo-profound bullshit quotes are inspirational, you're, well, kinda dumb. https://goo.gl/fZf4oe

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It’s a bit short notice. Normally you’ll have to first identify yourself (with a copy of your passport or such). Then sign a proxy (so the agency is allowed to send your tax return on your behalf).

And finally provide them with some descent figures (it has to make some sense – no one likes to send ‘fairy tales’ to the tax office…).


And we are approaching 1st of May.


If this is just some kind of 'emergency solution' for the first quarter, then I think it's rather much work to set this up for just one single VAT return.







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