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Is there legislation or licensing regulations for Canadian APPS/Software in NL

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3 antwoorden op deze vraag

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Does the company sell software development services, or previously made software?


Just keep the GDPR in mind, especially if the software collects any information or stores any information online.

And that it is not just about protecting privacy, but also has requirements on data portability.

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In general, you are free to approach Dutch clients. Keep in mind local consumer laws for refunds and local payment methods.  


GDPR is a good suggestion as well, since EU has certain requirements such as to store (European) company data in Europe. Which might be different from your local laws. 


It also depends a lot if you are selling B2B or B2C in terms of what you need to consider. 

Intercompany Solutions is assisting foreign entrepreneurs with Tax, accounting and legal requirements of opening a company in the Netherlands.


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