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Dormant company [tax authorities]

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Is your company located  and registered  in the Netherlands? 

If so, the Tax and Customs Administration does not care how much turnover you make in a declaration period, you always have to file a declaration. Even if you don't make any turnover at all, for example because your company is dormant.


You may be eligible for a starter's deduction

If you have started a business in the Netherlands and you are liable for income tax in the Netherlands, you may be eligible for the tax relief for new companies (startersaftrek). This is part of the entrepreneur allowance (ondernemersaftrek). If you make use of this facility, you will pay less tax. This is because you are allowed to deduct a set amount (in Dutch) from your annual gross profit.



See the information on business.gov.nl : Tax relief for new companies >>>


On this page on business.gov.nl  you can find more information about several tax schemes  >>>

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