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Businesses under one eenmanszaak

Hello everybody,


I am terribly sorry, but my Dutch is not good enough to inquire about something like this.


So, I want to start an eenmanszaak, but I have three different ways of generating income as a freelancer, one of which will most probably be a small scale consumable goods online shop. This is important as the two sources won't really need a title/name for the business, but the third one, the online shop, will require it's own name and the branding that goes with it.


So the question would be two-fold really: can I have more than one sources of income under the eenmanszaak scheme and would I be able to declare them as three different businesses?


Thanks for your time!



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4 antwoorden op deze vraag

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13 minuten geleden, Yannis zei:

So the question would be two-fold really: can I have more than one sources of income under the eenmanszaak


Welcome to HL and the answer to your main question is:"Yes" 


You can register all three activities at the Dutch Chamber of Commerce (Kamer van Koophandel)


You don't have to declare them differently, but if you mean that these 'businesses' are actually three different brands, then you can use those brandnames of course. 

Succes & Groet, 

Hans (J.H.) van den Bergh, MSc BEc

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5 uur geleden, Yannis zei:

I have three different ways of generating income as a freelancer

You can register an unlimited number of activities and trade names for an eenmanszaak in the Dutch Business Register (handelsregister) from the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce (Kamer van Koophandel). So yes, for your online shop you can use a different trade name, if your register that name with the KvK and mention the KvK registration nummer on the website. 


The Dutch Tax and Customs Administration (Belastingdienst) will regard the eenmanszaak as one company with a single personal ID for income tax and a single company VAT identification number (BTW-id) (1). To file your income tax and VAT declarations, you simply add up the numbers of all the activities in the eenmanszaak. (2)


(1) You can request extra VAT identification numbers, but that's not required and in most cases not neccesary.  Do use a good accounting package to keep track of things. 

(2) Provided all activities have the same VAT rate, otherwise calculation of VAT deduction may be slightly more complicated. 






Met vriendelijke groet, Ron van der Kolk MSc MBA


Ik werk via Inflection als interimmanager voor de publieke sector aan betere

dienstverlening, bedrijfsvoering & informatievoorziening door de overheid. 

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