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BV liability insurance - in English

We have a foreign investor who requests business liability insurance.  They would like to review the policy.  Need suggestions for insurance companies/agents who can provide their policy in English as well as Dutch.  Even an unoffical / uncertified translation will be good.
Thank you

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Hi APTinfo and welcome at the Higherlevel forum. 


Based on the information on the line of field mentioned on your website (Aviaton and Defence) , I would suggest you contact a large international Broker like Aon or Marsh. 


By the way: I think providing an English policy or transcript is not the main issue here: finding a proper Coverage for product liability and professional indemnity for these product/activities can be a much greater challenge 

Ik adviseer over en bemiddel in verzekeringen voor ondernemers en bedrijven.

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1 uur terug, Bert. zei:

Forumregel "Geen vragen voor klanten" ????

??? Dit is geen vraag voor of namens een klant van vraagsteller, maar een wens/eis van een investeerder. Vraagsteller moet voor zichzelf op zoek naar een specifieke dekking. 

Ik adviseer over en bemiddel in verzekeringen voor ondernemers en bedrijven.

Vragen of offertes?  Contact


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5 uur geleden, APTinfo zei:

As a follow up, it seems Business legal expenses insurance would also be a good idea, since the general liability would cover damages, but perhaps not any legal expenses involved.


The legal expenses made by the insurance company or - after approval of the insurance company -expenses made by you with regards to insured events is covered on most liability insurance contracts. 


So the common gap is legal expenses for events that are not insured. A well known exclusion for PL and/or PI contracts (product liabity / professional Indemnity) are claims for infringement of (someone elses) intellectual property, or the handling and costs of product recall,exstallation and consequential business interruption as a result of the exstallation.


Ask the broker for an additional legal expense coverage for events that are not insured, to be placed / added on the PL/PI contract.


A seperate insurance for these expenses is a no go in the Dutch Market:  a traditional legal expense insurance (a.k.a. "rechtsbijstandsverzekering") is very limited in the insured amounts per occurence and is generally limited to Dutch Law en Dutch Jurisdiction only.  A nice to have insurance for small business owners, restaurants and shops in the Netherlands , but not for your line of business and market.

Ik adviseer over en bemiddel in verzekeringen voor ondernemers en bedrijven.

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