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Food truck business

Hello Experts,


Just brief introduction,

We are a team of 3 partners who really want to open a South Indian food truck business in Netherlands. 

So our question is how much would it cost to open a food truck business and we are willing to buy used food truck as well.

If you help us for this then it would be really helpful. 


Thank you and Best regards,


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Hi Devshwpur


Anything from a 1.000 euros up to 50.000.


Are you living in the Netherlands currently?

Do you have the necessary visa?

In which cities are you planning to sell?

Etc etc etc


Best would be to start on a business plan, and when you reach the financial paragraph, ask us again with more background information. For now, all we can do is guess

DenariusAdvies: Tax | M&A | Legal

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As long as you have posted this topic in strategy and business planning, I dare to question why you want to start a food truck business with as many as three partners. Why not a dark kitchen or take-away and delivery service?


And why are you planning or looking for a location specifically in the city center or central part of Rotterdam if this is possible at all? I guess you have competition of many Indian restaurants, supermarkets and delivery services...


I don't care/mind, but are you of Indian or Indo-Surinamese origin or else? I assume the first if you post in English and as you mention South Indian cuisine.





aangepast door Wigbolt
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