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Advice for opening a branch office


I am Harish Balasubramanian. I have started a company "UAB Delo Unika" registered in Lithuania. We are involved in trading of aromatherapy oils (essential Oils). I am planning to open a branch office in Netherlands. 


I am planning following following tasks in Netherlands

i) To have a sales office ( initially I will be looking after the operations in Netherlands (for 3 to 6 months) and If the sales goes up I am planning to employ persons.

ii) To have a Warehouse in Netherlands probably after 6 months  


I have following doubts.

i) My company is registered in Lithuania, which is a EU member state. Does a company registered within EU needs to be registered with Dutch Business Register or not?

ii) Can you please tell me if I need only warehouse, Do I Need to register with "Dutch Business register"

iii) For importing goods from outside EU, Does EORI number from the country of company's Head Office is enough or Do I need to get separate EORI number.

iv) In order to sell within EU, can you please tell me VAT number of company's Head office is enough or not?

iv) Can I do the branch office registration Online in www.business.gov.nl website?. Do I need branch office address before starting the registration?


Can I get advice regarding my doubts?


Thanks in advance for your advice.

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Dear Harish,


welcome to the forum and sorry that you have been waiting for an answer for a couple of days now.


1. in order to sell products out of a branche office in NL you need to register the branche office with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce as a permanent establishment. 

2. this does require a bricks and morter place from where your business is taking place (not an empty desk in an office building). 

3. don't know

4. Dutch VAT number will be submitted to you once registered at the Chamber of Commerce

5. For registration see the link at 1 above. An actual address is necessary.


best of luck



DenariusAdvies: Tax | M&A | Legal

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I am going to open the branch office.

I am not going to be at the branch office completely.

I will be working between Lithuania and the Netherlands (like 15 days in Lithuania and 15 days in Netherlands)

So can you please tell me, Do I have to register for employment?

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15 uur geleden, harish zei:


I will be working between Lithuania and the Netherlands (like 15 days in Lithuania and 15 days in Netherlands)


Dear Harish,


Be aware of the possibility that you may become liable for personal income tax in NL for your worldwide income.


In double tax treaties between countries it's often stipulated that if you live for more then 182 days in a certain country you'll be seen as their resident.


So, I would suggest you get in touch with a tax consultant in your country and/or NL to avoid a nasty situation in future.

Met vriendelijke groet,


Jeroen Kisters RPLU ARe

Adviseur juridisch risicomanagement, Risicodeskundige aansprakelijkheid & Getuige-deskundige Beroepsaansprakelijkheid

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