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Minimum costs involved when registering a BV

Hi all,


I am considering to open a BV and I am trying to estimate what the absolute minimum operational costs are. I know the costs involved to register it, but I'd like to understand, in case the company does not make profit or not soon enough, what are the costs I would still be liable for, for example, after the first year.


If there's no profit, how much would I pay for the revenue generated on the first year?

How much am I obligated to pay to the director/s of the BV at minimum?

Is there any cost to have in mind apart of the accountant and operational costs?


Thank you in advance


Javier C

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21 uur geleden, Javier C zei:

If there's no profit, how much would I pay for the revenue generated on the first year?

How much am I obligated to pay to the director/s of the BV at minimum?

Is there any cost to have in mind apart of the accountant and operational costs?

I could try and answer these questions, but it would be the tip of an iceberg. I sincerely appreciate your effort to understand how a BV works, but in my opinion a BV is not DIY material, because of all the financial and legal risks and consequences involved. If you are not knowledgeable in this field, I would highly recommend consulting a paid professional who can advise you on the best legal form for your company and personal situation. A BV might not even be possible because the director-major shareholder (you) does not live in The Netherlands and resides outside the EU.

Met vriendelijke groet, Ron van der Kolk MSc MBA


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On 30/07/2023 at 10:41, Ron van der Kolk said:

I could try and answer these questions, but it would be the tip of an iceberg. I sincerely appreciate your effort to understand how a BV works, but in my opinion a BV is not DIY material, because of all the financial and legal risks and consequences involved. If you are not knowledgeable in this field, I would highly recommend consulting a paid professional who can advise you on the best legal form for your company and personal situation. A BV might not even be possible because the director-major shareholder (you) does not live in The Netherlands and resides outside the EU.

Thank you for the advice Ron

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