Tips needed for a starter Astrology/Tarot/Spirituality online shop

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I am an international person living in the Netherlands and I love it here! I have started an online store on Etsy which offers tarot and astrology readings. I have social media as well but it is really hard to put myself out there, especially when spirituality is not mainstream and many people shy away from these topics. I don't know how to meet people with similar interests, or other spirituality based business owners who can help me out.

After 3 years of trying, I wonder if it's time to give up. Or is there somethings I have not tried. How did you make your spiritual business successful? And what would you have done differently in hindsight?

By connecting with kvk I was asked to join forums to come into contact with like-minded people. So, HELLO! :) 

I would appreciate any and all help! 


Ethernal Realms

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In my opinion, if you couldn't make it happen after three years I agree that it is time to give up. I'm personally not involved in this business but I know quite a few people who are working in similar business and I think the problems are the same. 


The thing is this: people working in those areas are generally more into things like emotions than into ratio. No judgement here, but as a result they tend to lack the commercial aspects of entrepeneurship because they don't seem to care that much about money. "If it feels right" seems to be more important. Which in itself is fine. But from a business perspective that is quite a problem because that results in far more cheap supply that there is demand. Also the price level of the supply drags the acceptable price level that the demand side is willing to pay downwards.  In such an area it's very difficult to build a profitable business. 


Now some people will succeed anyway. Someone may be good in selling courses or workshops, might be good on stage running big crowd events, whatever. But in all honesty, if you were such a person you would already have succeeded. 


So I think it is a wise thing that you are reconsidering your future. I wish you the best with it, because I understand it's a difficult thing to do since I guess your current path feels like following your dreams which by this change may not come true. 

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There are also centres where spiritual counselers work together. I don't know where abouts you're from, but for example:


I am not sure how much they will help in advertising and growing you're business, but at least you will have contact with others in your business

aangepast door IJsbrand Schipperus

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2 uur geleden, DaMedia zei:

If you are good in what you are doing (tarot and astrology readings) people will advertise for you, because you can help people.

The persons I know in spirituality have costumers from the hole country, without advertising, adwords, etc.

The big question is if they actually make any money. There are businesses where hardly anyone makes money and people do it as a side job for fun, or they are in a position where they don't really need to make a significant amount of money since their partner earns enough. 


If you count your success based on the number of customers you serve that's fine, even if you don't really make money out of it. But it can be a problem if someone enters that market with the intention to make money because they need it for their living. If they see competitors/fellow enterpreneurs doing great and doing a lot of work the assumption that that brings them sufficient money might not necessarily be correct. 


Just my 0,02, and I hate to spoil people's dreams. But since this is a lessons some people I know would have loved to hear before they started with their adventure I think it's good to also pay attention to this side of the story. Simply because it is not what one would expect.

aangepast door Peter73
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