I am working on the business plan for a company I hopefully will open soon.
I will be selling online, via my own web shop food and beverages (including wines and beers) from a selection of producers from other EU countries.
Since I will handpick the producers myself, initially I thought I would just import myself the products. The producers are mainly really small, so I do not expect them to export themselves.
But as I'm digging in all the regulations and documentation I start wondering if it wouldn't be more practical to hire an importer for that.
My questions here are:
- can an importer be hired to import really specific products (even if the volumes are small)?
- does anyone have a similar business and wants to share their experience and tips on why to import yourself vs hire an importer?
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Martina C.
Martina C.
Hi everyone,
I am working on the business plan for a company I hopefully will open soon.
I will be selling online, via my own web shop food and beverages (including wines and beers) from a selection of producers from other EU countries.
Since I will handpick the producers myself, initially I thought I would just import myself the products. The producers are mainly really small, so I do not expect them to export themselves.
But as I'm digging in all the regulations and documentation I start wondering if it wouldn't be more practical to hire an importer for that.
My questions here are:
- can an importer be hired to import really specific products (even if the volumes are small)?
- does anyone have a similar business and wants to share their experience and tips on why to import yourself vs hire an importer?
Thank you very much!
Link naar reactie
https://www.higherlevel.nl/forums/topic/76069-import-and-distribute-or-only-distribute/Aanbevolen berichten
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