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Start a food truck business in Rotterdam

We are three Italians who have a company running a business in the UK. But after Brexit we decide to move.

We are trying to figure out how to move our business to the Netherlands, specifically in Rotterdam. We already wrote to the municipality but we didn't understand how difficult is to find a pitch there. 


We would like to operate a food truck and we would like to understand how it is possible to have a licence to operate in the city of Rotterdam. Can you tell us how to find available pitches?

is it possible to do itinerant trade with a food truck?

How long does the licence last? How much does it cost? Is the licence for individual areas of the city or for the whole city?



What kind of company do you suggest?


Thank you for your help.

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7 antwoorden op deze vraag

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Have you contacted De Ondernemersbalie of the municipality of Rotterdam? Their job is to help you, so if they did not, something went wrong. Other branches of the city may simply not know how to help you.


Some more reading matter:


- Chamber of Commerce.


- Rabobank.


On food safety (voedselveiligheid):


- NVWA (Dutch food safety authority)


- Toettoetfood (foodtruck rental place)


Google, as always, is your friend.


How is your Dutch coming along? I see a lot of this info is not available in English.


Branko Collin, front-end web developer / prototyper / Drupal-developer.

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@HangedCheese Welcome on  our forum and welcome to the Netherlands,


In addition to the above information links from Branko, also see Busniss.gov as a guide in English for "Doing business in the Netherlands".


From the homepage you can selecte several subjects.  One that is interesting regarding your question is the subject  How to set up a foodtruck business in the Netherlands.




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9 uur geleden, HangedCheese zei:

is it possible to do itinerant trade with a food truck?


short answer: yes, but not always easy.

The best chance to get a (regular) spot is on (food)markets that are in a different neighborhoods each day.

see https://www.rotterdam.nl/wonen-leven/markten/

on the top right you will see a translate button on the rotterdam site that will translateto your preferred language


In the Netherlands it is less common to park your food truck on a streetcorner in a residential area for a couple of hours and then move on to the next spot.

Each city has it's own guidelines for that.

If you operate from Rotterdam you can also look at the greater Rotterdam Area, surrounding cities and there weekly markets

- The Rotterdam Harbour or Maasvlakte has lots of large businesses / industries. In those area's there is often not much fixed foodplaces so they might welcome, and the city might give you a spot more easy in those area's so workers can buy lunch (or diner for 24/7 companies)

- The city of "Hoek van Holland" is the beach area for Rotterdam https://en.hoekvanholland.nl/   There might be room for summer season stand there..

- The Hague, the 3rd largest city in NL is only 30km away (Rotterdam is 2nd Largest)



But I think your best bet to start with is to try and find spots on (food) markets for a couple of days of the week where you can return each week. That could be a solid base of income and then you find events and touristseason hotspots for the extra income.


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Who typically eat your product and what are logical food and drink combinations? Have you already conducted any market research among Dutch people? Amsterdam has many more Italian residents and visitors in my estimation.


Specifically major cities and The Netherlands in general are heavily regulated not only in relation to food preparation and alcohol consumption and you have to pay (high) fees to municipalities or festival organizers in advance.


With kind regards,



aangepast door Wigbolt
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