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Start up benefits


 my name is Aleksandra and I want to start own massage practice. I was doing that in my home country for years and I'm proud on how I develop it there. As my husband lives here for some time we decided to be together and I need a bit help. Is there possibility for some kind of small loan for start? Where to ask for or to go, as I am new here and don't know anyone. Thanks in advance and have a nice day!

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Welcome to HL


Beware that on this forum it is not allowed to ask for financial aid. 

To apply for a loan, you need to contact a bank or start a crowdfunding activity, also take notice that you should come up with a business plan that shows how profitable your business will be and to what level you can ensure the loan will be paid back with interest.



Succes & Groet, 

Hans (J.H.) van den Bergh, MSc BEc

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I would like to suggest your personal network for funding as long as you seem to be a professional masseur.


What do you need money for that you can't afford/invest yourself as a couple?





aangepast door Wigbolt
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 serious business, mr Wigbolt. I've been doing massages for years but not here, as own practice and I'm really satisfied how I developed it by myself. I'm just new here and I didn't put question right way. I didn't need loan from anyone... was just asking if moment that I need a bit boost where to go in that case.

 Thanks a lot for answers and sorry for misunderstanding.

Have nice day all :)


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