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Where can I check if a Dutch company has/had lawsuits?

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12 antwoorden op deze vraag

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Cyber Security Adviseur
Cyber Security Adviseur
1 uur geleden, TwaBla zei:


Do lawyers / solicitors have access to actual rulings, including business names or personal data?

No, except for active cases and then only by name of the parties in the proceedings per court. So basically there's no easy way to even find active cases for a company. For closed cases, rechtspraak.nl is the most reliable source, but since only a small percentage of cases is published, you can't use rechtspraak.nl to determine if there've been cases.

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ex-business partner

This is new information for your other topic.


This is no matter of three strikes out or similar measures in criminal versus civil right.


Why are you not seeking any professional advice instead of getting free advice during the weekends?


I am afraid you're not taking or starting the right actions in this case as co-owner or director of a company.





aangepast door Wigbolt
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1 uur terug, StevenK zei:

No, except for active cases and then only by name of the parties in the proceedings per court.

  • Court rulings are public (openbaar*), but only a selection is published.
  • It would seem logical that all rulings are stored and made accessible to the court and probably also the parties involved.
  • It seems odd that nobody (not even the huge legal databases) collects these data.
  • Unless it is obstructed by the courts, based on some sort of logic.
3 uur geleden, Joost Rietveld zei:

Names of non-legal persons are also redacted.

But not companies. :winking-face:


If Roberto starts a case against his business partner / supplier, would his lawyer have access to previous cases involving the same company/persons?

aangepast door TwaBla

Hiep hiep hoera: honderd jaar A4  :partying-face:  (DIN = Duits Instituut voor Normalisatie)

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business partner / supplier

Non-purchasing or paying customer (according to unsigned/oral volume agreement/contract)




aangepast door Wigbolt
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Cyber Security Adviseur
Cyber Security Adviseur
3 uur geleden, TwaBla zei:
  • Court rulings are public (openbaar*), but only a selection is published.
  • It would seem logical that all rulings are stored and made accessible to the court and probably also the parties involved.

It would seem logical, but logic more often than not ignored in defining policies.

3 uur geleden, TwaBla zei:
  • It seems odd that nobody (not even the huge legal databases) collects these data.
  • Unless it is obstructed by the courts, based on some sort of logic.

The data isn't available in a way that can be indexed. The obstruction is based on the limited availability of redactional capacity, which is required to remove any information that could enable one from identifying natural persons. 

3 uur geleden, TwaBla zei:

But not companies. :winking-face:

Unless the company's name contains a person's name. De Vries Transport BV will also be redacted..

3 uur geleden, TwaBla zei:


If Roberto starts a case against his business partner / supplier, would his lawyer have access to previous cases involving the same company/persons?

No, he wouldn't. 

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On 09/10/2022 at 16:50, Gast said:

This is new information for your other topic.


Why are you not seeking any professional advice instead of getting free advice during the weekends?


Yes, it's related. Each country has it's own local laws, so I've decided to research first to decide how to act. Asking lawyers having some country specific info is better than just asking without any prior knowledge)

This company was involved in some lawsuits before (this we know from their contractors), but there are no details. It's not about "three strikes out or similar measures in criminal versus civil right." - we just want to have some proofs that this company was doing some illegal activities in the past.

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Illegal activities vs civil claim does not help you out...


...I repeat you´re running late taking first steps as a risk.





aangepast door Wigbolt
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