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ZZP company in NL and working from remote


I am a freelance production manager working in the Netherlands in the music events field. 

I stably work with an organization in NL, but I would like to ask them about the possibility of moving back to my home country (Italy) and continuing to work for them remotely. 

How many days do I need to live in the NL to be able to keep my company?

Will I be taxed in both countries if I will go back?


Additionally, in case I obtain an employee contract with this organization, do you know how taxes work when working for a company in NL but living abroad?

Thanks in advance for your help!



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9 uur geleden, Samuele Riva zei:

How many days do I need to live in the NL to be able to keep my company?

Hi Samuele


Sadly for you the answer is none. If you move back to Italy then your eenmanszaak ends in the Netherlands.


Should you be employed, then the employer will levy Dutch wage tax, and Italy (where the income is taxable too) will compensate you to avoid double taxation. 

DenariusAdvies: Tax | M&A | Legal

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I believe there are treaties between both countries for entrepreneurs who temporarily stay abroad. If you actually want to emigrate back and also move your home address, this will not apply.

For example:

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