I am a freelance production manager working in the Netherlands in the music events field.
I stably work with an organization in NL, but I would like to ask them about the possibility of moving back to my home country (Italy) and continuing to work for them remotely.
How many days do I need to live in the NL to be able to keep my company?
Will I be taxed in both countries if I will go back?
Additionally, in case I obtain an employee contract with this organization, do you know how taxes work when working for a company in NL but living abroad?
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Samuele Riva
Samuele Riva
I am a freelance production manager working in the Netherlands in the music events field.
I stably work with an organization in NL, but I would like to ask them about the possibility of moving back to my home country (Italy) and continuing to work for them remotely.
How many days do I need to live in the NL to be able to keep my company?
Will I be taxed in both countries if I will go back?
Additionally, in case I obtain an employee contract with this organization, do you know how taxes work when working for a company in NL but living abroad?
Thanks in advance for your help!
Link naar reactie
https://www.higherlevel.nl/forums/topic/75606-zzp-company-in-nl-and-working-from-remote/Aanbevolen berichten
4 antwoorden op deze vraag