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Why do I have to pay additional health insurance as a freelancer?



I am a full time employed and paying a normal monthly health insurance, but since I started freelancing on the side I get letters from Belastingdienst to pay additional mandatory health insurance as a freelancer (Zorgverzekering). I didn't really understand how does this make sense, why do I need to pay this one too, as if I am a different person, since I am already insured for health. Was not able to find this information online, maybe this community can help with an answer?


Thank you in advance!


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You are perhaps referring to "ZvW", which stands for "Zorg­verzekeringswet".

In the Netherlands, your employer pays a sum of money to the government per employee. When you are self employed, you now have to pay this sum to the government yourself.

And yes, apart from ZvW each Dutch person also pays a private health insurance. So the Dutch health care system gets money from both. This is due to the fact that we, the Dutch, have decided that healthcare is important. And that it should be accessible to every citizen, rich and poor.

This is the reason why a broken arm will barely cost you anything in the Netherlands, no matter who you are, unlike for example, a bill of $ 40.000 when you are not insured and in need of care for the same broken arm in the USA.

In fact, ZvW is not a fixed amount. It scales with the profit of your company. This is part of our social system in this country. A way in which we pay for our healthcare system together and in which the strongest shoulders bear most of the burden.

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Thank you for your detailed answer! so to make sure I understand, if I have a full time job + do freelancing as a ZZP on the side - I need to pay 2 times the mandatory health insurance. One time as a ZZP being determined by the amount I am earning and one time paid by my employer + me. What still doesn't make sense to me, but please help me understand is why do I need to contribute twice to this if I am one person, just because I am registered both as employee and and a freelancer. Thank you in advance! 

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7 minuten geleden, bianca.paul.91 zei:

I need to pay 2 times the mandatory health insurance

Two times implies it's a fixed amount, which it isn't, like Daxto mentioned.


The amount your employer has to pay is based on your salary and the amount you, as an entrepreneur, have to pay is based on your profit. In the situation where you were not an entrepreneur but just worked those extra hours (or just get extra salary) at your employer, the amount your employer has to pay for the ZvW would become higher aswell.


So it's based on the total income (salary when you're employed or profit when you're an entrepreneur).

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