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Planning to start a Food Truck restaurant in Utrecht.

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5 antwoorden op deze vraag

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Since Dutch is not your First language a slightly bigger push in the right direction


You can apply for permits online and read up on requirements from the municipality.




If you want to operate a foodtrack somewhere in the city you need a "standplaatsvergunning"

or a "marktplaatsvergunning" if you want take part in weekly local markets.
if you take part in a foodtruckfestival most likely the event has the 1 permit for 10 or 20 trucks to be placed at the event.

see this link for local markets and to apply for permit for that..

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The advantage of a food truck is you are not stuck to one place. You might consider looking at surrounding municipalities like Zeist, Nieuwegein, Breukelen and Bilthoven. And make known in the local free huis-aan-huis papers that your provide a food service. Maybe even consider some sort of subscription service or a newsletter (app). 


I would't mind being reminded by a Thai or Mexican food truck that they return every week with fresh options. Give me a VIP-deal. That's is not the same as a discount. And maybe add a few meals for the freezer...

Hiep hiep hoera: honderd jaar A4  :partying-face:  (DIN = Duits Instituut voor Normalisatie)

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Please note: https://milieuzones.nl/english (low-emission zones) or does anybody know about exceptions (exemptions) for food trucks?


https://www.utrecht.nl/wonen-en-leven/gezonde-leefomgeving/luchtkwaliteit/milieuzone/ (equivalent page in English? Side question: how can international transport planners and drivers comply with regulations without any information available?)


With kind regards,


aangepast door Wigbolt
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