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Government support/guidance for entrepreneurs expanding from abroad (Belgium)


Hi all, 

I am new to the community, and when I asked a question to NFIA, they simply gave a link to the most generic website and to this forum, hence here I am. In Belgium, FIT provides support to newcomers to Flanders, but I am trying to search for the same type of guidance from any govn organization - if you know who can help, please shoot.

I am an entrepreneur planning to expand my business to the Netherlands from Belgium. Our expansion means opening a new warehouse/workshop to conduct repair to certain type of electronic equipment, hiring people to work at this location, renting/leasing vehicles for our logistics operations, and purchasing warehouse equipment to make this location run. 


What I am trying to figure out now: where do I open this location? Of course, there are a million factors to consider, but I am asking from a subsidy/incentive point of view. What I mean by that: governments provide tax advantages or certain benefits for regions they would like to develop and increase economic activity. Any idea where to check for such a advantage I can benefit from? Similarly, any KMO parks subsidized by the government with favorable terms (leasing duration and prices)?


Other factors certainly include proximity to the client base, to logistic routes, to talent and so on, but I am not there yet. 


Any suggestions are welcome, thanks in advance,

aangepast door Evrim Taskiran
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14 minuten geleden, Evrim Taskiran zei:

governments provide tax advantages or certain benefits for regions they would like to develop and increase economic activity.

Hi Evrim, welcome to the forum.


In the USA this is indeed a common thing, but as far as I know, our government never hands out tax benefits based on the location. 


Subsidies are possible based on what you do. And indeed sometimes even local. A place to start is this link. Hope this helps

DenariusAdvies: Tax | M&A | Legal

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For warehouse/logistical activities it is not easy to get funding or benifits from the government.

we have a lot of them already. so not much need to stimulate growth in that sector.

maybe if you go evironmental friendly you might get a city or provincie interested.


I will give you some (general) links





Rvo is a site from the Dutch government and has a lot of information about doing business and also gives support in finding your way. these links should help you along

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