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Is this situation normal for HORECA in NL?

Hello. I need HORECA advice. Is it normal, or usual, in the Netherlands for landlords to rent or lease a premises that is ready for a horeca business, but also not sell the business. In other words, there is no business purchase price (because there is no business goodwill, only rent or lease?) For example, imagine a horeca business that rents or leases the property from a landlord. The business fails. The landlord takes the property back. So there is no operating business anymore. Can a different entrepreneur rent or lease the property but not buy the business (since the business is not operating). This is common in Canada and United States, but perhaps not in Netherlands. If you do not know the answer, do you know who would? Perhaps a horeca consultant?

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6 uur geleden, Shawn_Canada zei:

there is no business purchase price (because there is no business goodwill, only rent or lease?)...

... but not buy the business...

In essence all options are negotiable, depending on the conditions the landlord is willing to agree to. 

Succes & Groet, 

Hans (J.H.) van den Bergh, MSc BEc

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In dutch it is called "Pacht" or "Pachtovereenkomst"
(it is also commenly used for (farm) land deals so becarefull when reading up)


This is a google search in dutch that will list companies that help with the proces or explain what it is



In the Neterlands also large Breweries like Heineken often help fund bars in varoius constructions including sometimes pacht.

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